Joshua Hilditch

Joshua Hilditch

A fellow light being working towards a brighter day in a good way. A meditating martial artist on the path of the warrior of mindfulness and discipline through Chi cultivating practices. Through my meditative practices, yoga, & chakra work it became clear to me that Reiki’s teachings & practices were in complete alignment with my path as well as the evolution of the planetary consciousness. I work with sound healing and have found the benefits of singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks to be truly magical as well as transformative on every level. I am thrilled to be holding sacred space with each being of light that I am blessed to come across along this journey and hope that through the synergy of this event, that the world may continue to heal in profound & glorious ways. Aho!!!

Tune In & Tone Out ~ Chakra Clearing:  Thursday 4 P. M.

A tune up for our wheels of energy (Chakras) with seed mantras, singing bowls, and visualizations to find perfection of your color spectrum. Then shift your way through planes of consciousness as Joshua guides you to higher realms and the resonance of your own inner vision.

Embody Meditation :Sunday 11 A.M.

Awaken and enliven yourSelf in this full body experience of meditation. Journey through the physical form using subtle but powerful movements to bring you to the formless nature of reality and ground back in to pure Being. Let the mindful movements accompanied by sacred sounds expand your awareness of a fully embodied practice.

Marcy Gregoire

Marcy Gregoire of Under the Tree Arts helps to co-create music and art with people of all ages, while gaining a true inspiration from nature. A singer-songwriter, jeweler, muralist and educator, she is most often found within the rolling hills and clear rivers of western Massachusetts. Marcy works to inspire spontaneous and open-ended art, music, and most of all, laughter.

Check out Marcy Gregoire on:

Youtube/Vimeo Channel


Dr. Ken

Dr. Ken is an artist, neuroscientist, and educator and the founder of Make Your Own Fun ( With expertise in blowing giant soap bubbles, making anything out of cardboard, and inciting boffer battles, MYOF uses the power of play to promote learning, enjoyment, and community building. Let’s make some fun together!

Check out Dr. Ken on:



Malu Wilder and The Green Dragons

The Green Dragons is a non-profit organization which seeks to address the problems of diet-related diseases and poor fitness in our youth by combining food and martial arts education. Gardening lessons paired with the physical and mental training of martial arts provide young people with tools for a life-long practice of personal and community empowerment. In an era where low-quality, mass-produced food is a threat to our well-being, learning how to grow our own food is a martial art.

Check out Malu Wilder and The Green Dragons on:


The Green Dragons

During these sessions we will be learning to make Dragon Water, a veggie infused replacement for sports drinks. We will also be learning portions of the Green Dragon’s “Farmer’s Set” and “Garden Form” as the martial arts portion of our training. Participants will learn portions of the forms and sets over the course of the weekend sessions with the goal of learning an entire martial arts short form before the weekend is over.

Matica Arts/Thrive Movement Studio

Heidi and Joel of Matica/Thrive have been performing and training together in the physical arts of Circus since 1999. They traveled the Americas, street performing and adventuring until they settled in CT in 2001. Here, they perform in festivals, events and schools around the Northeast. They teach in many schools and community centers and opened Thrive Movement Studio in 2013 where Heidi teaches aerial fabric and trapeze and Joel teaches ground circus acts and Capoeira. They love the quiet life of artists mixed with the wild fun of circus!


Check out Matica Arts/Thrive Movement Studio on:


Intro to Aerial Fabric. Intro to Capoeria

Come learn some basics of aerial fabric (silks)! We will work safely and close to the ground. Come get upside down!

Capoeira- learn some fundamentals movement and music of this unique and beautiful Brazilian dance and martial art-form. Beginners welcome.


Ashley, “Drakaina,” discovered her greatest joy and passion through fire spinning and dancing with the dragon staff. Before she performs she sets an intention and says a prayer. It is her desire not to entertain, but to inspire. She remains balanced by not only engaging her audience but also dancing as Shakti for her inner Shiva.

Drakaina performs with the dragon staff (fire and LED) as well as a marionette… not at the same time… yet. 🙂

Check out Drakaina on:

Youtube/Vimeo Channel



Enchanted opens a portal to a dream dimension where glowing otherworldly creatures, towering stilt walkers, and firey femmes fatales play out a seductive, spellbinding spectacle. Specializing in a fusion of intricate prop choreography with dance, this troupe of dancers and multi-prop artists creates nouveau cirque magic with incandescent energy and open-hearted passion. Let us fill you with wonder.

Check out Enchanted on:

Youtube/Vimeo Channel

Martin Bridge

Martin Bridge is an artist, educator, avid mycologist and Permaculture designer living in the hills of western Mass. He has been developing a demonstration site and food forest at his homestead Glenduir since 2008. Martin has worked as an assistant teacher and presenter to the CoSM Permaculture Design course working alongside his mentor Delvin Solkinson and currently working towards a diploma through the Permaculture Research Institute.

Check out Martin Bridge on:

Youtube/Vimeo Channel

Permaculture Primer – with Martin Bridge

In looking at the myriad of problems we as a society and world at large it is easy to feel overwhelmed, disempowered and unsure of what actions to take to help create a healthy and sustainable world. In this workshop we will look at the Ethics and Principles of Permaculture Design and how they can help provide a roadmap for effective actions that can have a profound beneficial effect for us as individuals, community and the environment as a whole.

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